What to look for during negotiation or networking to establish rapport The language of the hands We are back to meeting in person, but even if you are still meeting in Zoon, there is one part of your body, one part of the other person’s body, to which you need to pay attention if you want…

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Gaslighting was the most searched word on the web in 2022

In January 2023, a study was published on what had been the most searched word the year before. In 2022, searches on the web for Gaslighting increased by 1740% Trend or reality? Here and there, words start showing up in the media, and BOOM, everyone is a victim or everyone is married to one. All…

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Don’t let people define you; control the narrative ALWAYS- or you are media dead. WHAT IS THE LEGAL, SOCIAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL DEFINITION  The labeling theory is a school of thought in the sociology of deviance that focuses on how social control agents associate stigmatizing stereotypes with particular groups and how those who have been stigmatized…

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3 SIGNS YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF A NARCISSIST   Either for dating, business or friendship the best 3 ways to find out how a person is, are…… With the dating season and holiday coming up, this is a simple and complete guide in where to look for signs But first, based on the DSM5 [the mental health bible], what is a narcissist?…

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3 ways your mobile is killing your productivity-

Are mobile phones really EVIL? Well, maybe, but not in the way you think. Do you remember when your grandma told you, “Do not get in front of the Microwave; you will get cancer”,  Or “ Cellphone waves are affecting your brain.” Well, the last one has certain truths, but not the way you think.…

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3 Types of Lies and How to Find Out

This article was initially published on by Susan Ibitz In 2009, researchers found that kids who had been born blind had the same micro- expressions and body language as kids who could see. This refuted the theory that we learn how to express ourselves from our parents. In my experience, what we do learn from our…

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Face masks help jurors tell apart lies from the truth

How juries are 75 % more accurate by reading people with masks. Two years ago, we did a study on how to READ FACES with masks, the results show 98% accuracy on our study. The conditions were: Send only pictures wearing a mask We don’t need to know each other Send 4 pictures- neutral-smiling- left…

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Introvert Face Traits & Face Reading Profiling

Can we spot an introvert just by looking at the face? *** Can we spot an introvert just by looking at the face? Has it ever happened to you that when you meet a person for the first time, your brain tries to create a concept of who they are? If they are likable, threatening,…

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