How much you can hold it ??? YAWNING
Best Vice President for each candidate
Susan Ibitz – Joseph McGuire THE CANDIDATES FOR THE 202O- Who can be the best VP for each candidate base on Face Reading April Webinar April 2020 https://humanbehaviorhackerschool.thinkific.com/courses/FACESOFPOWERFACEREADING
Earn more Money with one Skill
What if I tell you you can make 29,000 to 35,000 more a year learning one thing?
How laughing improves sex, weight and work
Smiles, oxytocin, and first impressions Studies show that a handshake makes for 26% of first impressions. So how do you manage this on video? Well, OXYTOCIN is your solution. Oxytocin happens during sex, also when you are hugged by a loved one, when you get a like on Facebook, or watch puppies and cats online.…
Social Experiment Day 5
Come to learn from us New virtual training: HOW TO READ FACES WITH MASKS HOW TO READ EMOTIONS ON A FACE WITH MASKS SECURITY AND LOST PREVENTION LAWYERS AND MEDIATORS PERSONALITY PREFERENCES FOR BUILDING VIRTUAL TEAMS Training: http://humanbehaviorlab.com/training/ Come to learn with us: https://humanbehaviorhackerschool.thi…
ELON MUSK face reading -part 2
Elon’s ears are large in size. This reveals that he is a really good listener and is always ready to hear more.
Social Experiment Day 4
New virtual training: HOW TO READ FACES WITH MASKS HOW TO READ EMOTIONS ON A FACE WITH MASKS SECURITY AND LOST PREVENTION LAWYERS AND MEDIATORS PERSONALITY PREFERENCES FOR BUILDING VIRTUAL TEAMS Training: http://humanbehaviorlab.com/training/ Come to learn with us: https://humanbehaviorhackerschool.thinkific.com/
How To Build Strong Connections Globally?
WOW, you missed this one !!! No way, take a look………………..is wicked how media really work. Watch the completed webinar on: https://humanbehaviorhackerschool.thinkific.com/courses/the-power-of-communities-how-to-build-strong-connections-globally