The SuperPower of Dyslexia-
Why does the British Secret Service hire Dyslexic people as profilers?

This article’s content paragraphs extract from a few publications and are not modified to respect the author’s voices. All the links are in the source section at the end
What is dyslexia?
More than 3 million US cases per year -Dyslexia affects up to 1 in 5 people.
Dyslexia is a language-based learning difference. It affects the organization in the brain that controls the ability to process the way language is heard, spoken, read, or spelled. Dyslexia can also manifest in difficulties with working memory, attention, and organization. Dyslexia can be genetic, and ranges on a continuum of mild to severe. It is important to keep in mind that people with dyslexia are not lacking in motivation or intelligence. In fact, they are typically average to above average in intelligence. Furthermore, dyslexia is fairly common. Diagnosis needs to be made by competent psychologists who understand the processing deficits that are linked with the struggles associated with dyslexia.[3]
People with dyslexia don’t outgrow it. But there are teaching approaches and strategies that can help them improve their reading skills and manage the challenges. People of any age can be tested for dyslexia, although the tests are different for adults than for kids.
People with dyslexia typically have trouble reading fluently. They often read slowly and make mistakes. That can impact how well they comprehend what they read. But when other people read to them, they often have no problem understanding the text.
Dyslexia can create difficulty with other skills, too. These include:
- Reading comprehension
- Spelling
- Writing
- Math
It’s important to know that while dyslexia impacts learning, it’s not a problem of intelligence. People with dyslexia are just as smart as their peers. There are countless stories about people thriving with dyslexia, including actors, entrepreneurs, and elected officials.[1]

Famous people with Dyslexia
- Goldie Hawn- Actress
- Billy Bob Thornton-Actor
- Octavia Spencer-Actress
- Daymond John, investor and founder of FUBU
- Richard Branson- Virgin Airlines
- Barbara Corcoran, real-estate mogul
- Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA
- Paul Orfalea, founder of Kinko’s
- Charles Schwab, businessman, and investor
- David Neeleman, founder of JetBlue
- Tommy Hilfiger, fashion designer
- Ben Foss, inventor of the Intel Reader
- Walt Disney
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Steven Spielberg
- Winston Churchill
- Albert Einstein
- Agatha Christie
This is personal
At the age of 17 years old, I found out that all my dreams were crushed. I was diagnosed with Dyslexia. 33 years ago, Dyslexia was a death sentence for Academic studies and any pad to formal education. I was level “DISABLED”.
Since I was 13 years old my dream was to become an FBI profiler, now what? Well, good advice and hard work took me to my own pad. Today I am certified in all the Behavior channels, I become an expert and developed a new branch called “FACE READING PROFILING” using all the behaviors, and teaching others how to do it, too.
Now when I need to write a client proposal, an article like this, or a formal email, I FREAK OUT. People think that my lack of grammar skills is a reflection of my knowledge or expertise. “Don’t judge for my grammar, judge for my knowledge” is the tag line in all my presentations, people are brutal with things they don’t understand or don’t take the time to understand. And still, feel like S**T every time people judge me.
Solution for me: They are programs, grammar apps, audiobooks, and great coaches for overcoming Dyslexia. In my case, I have a great coach I meet 3 times a week to go over my witting, Rebeca helps me to keep my voice when I am writing and make it look professional, but still, I make the effort to do my own writing, is painful but I force myself to do it. If you have or know someone with Dyslexia, help and don’t give up, WE ARE AWESOME in so many aspects. Look at this real case for MI6 profilers.
BTW do you know the best profilers in the world are Dyslexics?
In an article published in November 2021 in they stress the fact that Dyslexia is not a problem, it’s a challenge [ Thank you Milena for the link, she is one of our students in Face Reading Profiling from France]
Why the British Secret Service Recruits Dyslexics

…Jo Cavan is in charge of recruitment and strategy for the British intelligence services, the Government Communications Headquarters, which provides surveillance of networks and telecommunications. He explains to the Guardian why 4 out of 10 people in his department have dyslexia: “We are looking for people who can quickly spot small anomalies in the big picture. They must be able to sift through large amounts of data to prevent a terrorist act or the organization of a crime. Skills such as good shape and pattern recognition are essential. And many of my colleagues with dyslexia have these abilities.”… [4]
Dyslexia in the workplace and the misunderstanding
…”42%: this is the percentage of employers who admit their ignorance of the skills of dyslexics, according to the study “Dyslexic thinking” conducted by the Dyslexia association and ManpowerGroup in 2021 among 1,061 dyslexic employees. “Even if things are moving in the right direction, recruiters are unfamiliar with DYS disorders,” confirms Dominique Le Douce, director of Adapt. “It is an invisible handicap, therefore badly addressed, which needs to be popularized with HR and managers”, estimates Delphine Pouponneau, director of diversity and inclusion at Orange, at the initiative of the new program “Neuroteam”, dedicated to “cognitive diversity”.
Result: the recruitment or evaluation processes are still poorly adapted to dyslexic people in the business sphere. “Spelling tests do not value dyslexic candidates, who tend to be sidelined, even though once in office, there are many tools that can remedy spelling difficulties“, illustrates Audrey Barlet, RPO project manager at Talent Solutions ManpowerGroup. According to the study, half of dyslexics believe that their employer does not understand the skills associated with their disability. But what skills are we talking about?… [5]
…”In reality, “ there are no professions more conducive to dyslexics than others. It is rather the way of equipping them that counts”, insists Audrey Barlet. With the exception of editorial professions, where dyslexics are in more difficulty. However, these executives seem particularly well placed to exercise professions where the skills they develop are in demand. “Their ability to solve complex problems is a transversal skill that is particularly useful for positions related to Big Data, quality, customer relations“, illustrates Delphine Pouponneau. Their design ability, linked to this three-dimensional perception, also allows them to shine in positions of IT architects. “And more generally in all positions that require a 360° vision in product modeling, prototyping…”, she adds.
It is not uncommon to see dyslexic executives in managerial positions. “Their empathy and their global vision make dyslexics excellent managers“, illustrates Audrey Barlet. Their creative abilities, due to the fact that they used circumvention strategies, also make them gifted in graphic design. “To communicate, they use infographics more than texts. Imagery is a strength in the creative professions,” she confirms. Since they have very early, sometimes since childhood, used computers to express themselves in writing, many of these executives also hold positions in IT…”
For more information on Dyslexia and help, check the links below:
I struggle with many things in my life, but one I am the best at is Face Reading Profiling. Why? Because I am Dyslexic. People with dyslexia can see their ideas in 3D, think outside the box, build and design new talents.
After learning all the behavior channels, I was able to create a new one “FACE READING PROFILING”. WHAT IS THIS? IT’S THE SKILL TO READ EVERYONE IN 90 SECONDS OR LESS. After you read someone, you can use body language, Micro-Expressions, and linguistics to follow. But from all the channels, Face Reading Profiling is the only one where you don’t need a video, handwriting, text or even meet the person. You don’t need prep to read someone, with a picture from the internet you can make a profile, even with masks, eyewear, or hats. Give me ears and eyes and I will write you a 25-page profile on that person.
Can you do it, too? YES, of course. You can do it after just 1 day of training, you need practice, but you can do it.
5, 000 years in the making, this is the oldest behavior channel in the world, and only a few are professional Face Readers.
Do you want to know more about how to become a FACE READING PROFILER? Check the link below
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