LOW EYEBROWS- to friendly, 2 soon
Face Reading
Proxemics, and Eyebrows
Face Reading (FR), or Physiognomy

We have been talking about this concept for a while already. But something most people do not realize is
that FR allows you to see people in an objective and not subjective way. What you see is what you get and
what you get is what you see.
When we meet somebody for the first time, there is not too much we can do to separate our personal
perception from the real person or people in front of us. Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal (1992)
were the first experts in the field to prove that we have usually less than five minutes to make a first
impression. This is called “thin slices.” In 2007 Dana R. Carney expanded the study to ten seconds and
two to three seconds of exposure on first impressions, the results were the same, but she came to the
conclusion that women tended to make more accurate judgments using thin slicing than men—sorry
Good news, most of the time, first impressions don’t have much to do with us, but rather with the
personal dictionary/emotional memories of the person who is meeting us.
Yes, imagine this, you are wearing the same perfume their mother-in-law uses, you have the same voice
of an ex-partner, or you just have a similar face that reminds them of a bully from the old school days.
Yes, you can do a lot to try to fix that first impression, but studies show people don’t change first
impressions. Our brain can get stuck in the bad taste that our first impression did.
So, if you are in a position where you need to be objective and leave aside your personal dictionary, what
can you do?
When you combine Face Reading, Body Language, Micro-Expressions and Statement Analysis—I know,
I know, I swear on these four channels and it’s for a reason, it works. I have been working on a series of
articles explaining the different features of a face; how we intake, process, and express information. This
article focuses on the Proxemics and personal space when we meet somebody to try to respect and adapt
to the thin slices situation and try to avoid a bad experience, by respecting others needs in order to not
become a bad memory.

Proxemics is the study of the amount of space that people feel is necessary to set between themselves
and others. Proximity is communicated, for instance, through the use of space, distance, touching, and
body position. People from different cultural backgrounds can value personal space differently, for
example, in the United States, there are four types of “distance” which people use to communicate on a
face-to-face basis.
These include:
· Intimate distance (0-2 ft.)
· Personal distance (2-4ft.)
· Social distance (4-12 ft.)
· Public distance (>12 ft.)
Eyebrow-proxemics and how to approach
We have two types of measurements for eyebrow distance (space between eyelids and space between
eyebrows). We have high eyebrows and low eyebrows. Eyebrow distance determines how you need to
approach someone.
Levels or intensity

They are three types of distance to measure PROXEMICs- Middle high- low-really high.
Low Eyebrows

There is no space between the eyebrows and the eyes. The low eyebrows reveal a very quick mind. They
want to get the job done and get it done now. They may tend to interrupt others while someone is
finishing their thought, and they have may several new thoughts that if they don’t say them now, might
be lost. So be patient, they are present, they are paying attention, but their brain is running for the finish

What to do
- Don’t make a person with low eyebrows wait—it will drive them crazy.
- They are easy to approach
- Be less formal
- Do not give them any reason to feel as if you are questioning or judging them
- They can feel like they become over familiar too fast, too soon
- Ask questions

ADVICE: Be aware of eyeglasses and sunglasses, this can confuse you on the
distance between the eyebrows and the eyelids— check my LinkedIn profile
and you will see I AM WEARING SUNGLASSES…….
You can find two type of eyebrows in one person. Yes, you can be different in your internal and external
Some expert has expressed that this can lead to changes in personalities. The side the eyebrows/ eyelids
distance is located is where you need to set the PROXEMIC. Meaning internal-personal/ external/work.
A person can be open and friendly and reserved and distance at the same time. Where? Look the face….

In simple English:
Low eyebrow left side: Friendly and easy to approach in the external world
Low eyebrows right side: Friendly and easy to approach in the personal/internal life
Hight eyebrow in the left side: Reserved and distance in the external world
Hight eyebrow in the right side: Reserved and distance in the personal/internal world.
Left side and Right side need to be read it as you look in the person. As I explained in the article=
We express each side of the brain on the opposite side of the face and body, but when we are in front of a
person you need to not switch as will be easy not get confused!!!

…….” Before you start learning the features of the face, you need to first understand that we are ruled by our left and our right brain. Your right brain is expressed on the left side of your face. The left brain is expressed on the right side of your face. So, when you are facing a person to read, understand first what part of the brain/face you are reading. If you want to sell to/negotiate with somebody, you will see a mix of both, but the primary factor is the left brain, as it dominates our external world—finances, and wok. The right brain centers around our personal life, love, and family……………..”

See you next week. Send me an email with questions, ideas for articles and what problems you are having communicating with others, I LOVE to hear your input. XoXo Susan- susan@humanbehaviorlab.com
This is part of a weekly series of articles about Physiognomy, Statement Analysis, Micro Expressions, Body language, Behavior, and is an extract of the training we offer for institutions and the private sector. For media inquiries & bookings call 708-374-7449