Introvert Face Traits & Face Reading Profiling

Can we spot an introvert just by looking at the face? *** Can we spot an introvert just by looking at the face? Has it ever happened to you that when you meet a person for the first time, your brain tries to create a concept of who they are? If they are likable, threatening,…

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Funny young adult showing his emotions expressively by his gestures and mimics .

We are more connected through sense and our environment than you think. The smell of a new car, vanilla candles to trigger pleasure or that song that make you happy. HEARING: Research by Michael Kraus at Yale finds that the human voice can trump the visual when conveying emotion: Participants who only listened to a…

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60 % of sales reps complain about how difficult it is to profile clients online, by video or just a phone call.  What if I tell you is as simple as to look for the EARS. HOW FACE READING CAN HELP YOU??? 60 % of sales reps complain about how difficult it is to profile…

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