Social Experiment Day 2

By Susan Ibitz | 06/30/2020

Social Experiment Day 1

By Susan Ibitz | 06/29/2020

How to avoid Sales Suicide Myth # 1

By Susan Ibitz | 06/28/2020

  $ale$ Intelligence is a weekly segment to learn science, human behavior, and fact to apply to $ale$ and negotiation. Come to learn with us: https://humanbehaviorhackerschool.thi… Today Myth # 1- Why not- and how to do it right

Real Life Black Mirror – Face Reading Elon Musk

By Susan Ibitz | 06/26/2020

Did you ever watch a movie/ series and think, “Oh no, this is impossible! It’s never, ever going to happen”?

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How science, behavior, and sales come together?

By Susan Ibitz | 06/18/2020

Registration: http://humanbehaviorlab.com/webinar/ Come to learn with us: https://www.humanbehaviorhackerschool.com/ MARK SHALINSKY, PhDData Sales Science | Data Science for Sales Shelton Banks CEO of Re: Work Training


By Susan Ibitz | 06/18/2020

NLP GOT IT WRONG-eyes don’t show when we lie Research by academics at two universities has concluded that the common belief of lying eyes is a myth. Come to learn with us:  https://humanbehaviorhackerschool.thinkific.com/  Widely held beliefs about Neuro-Linguistic Programming and lying are unfounded. Proponents of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) have long claimed that it is possible to…

WHY 93% of our communication is not Body Language

By Susan Ibitz | 06/18/2020

Years ago, the perception was that 93% of our communication happened with our Body Language [body language 55 % and tone of voice 38 % & only 7 % verbal- Professor Albert Mehrabian -1967]. Today most first encounters are done through the phone, email, or media. MOST OF THE TOP INTERROGATORS ON THE WORLD BASE…

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By Susan Ibitz | 06/16/2020

INTELLIGENCE MONTHLY WEBINAR https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_x_bW-OEaTH2IDPqpBA5h6g Sales training we offer: http://humanbehaviorlab.com/training/ Come to learn with us: https://humanbehaviorhackerschool.thi… Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsAw…

How to read facial expressions in a faceless society

By Susan Ibitz | 06/15/2020

A masked society brings new challenges, one of them is “How can I read a face I can’t see?” Look at the videos on how to read faces with masks every Wednesday, in this blog. Read the original article in Thrive Global  here: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/how-to-read-faces-and-expression-on-a-faceless-society/?utm_source=Newsletter_Transaction&utm_medium=Thrive&utm_campaign=Published To read the CHICAGO TRIBUNE article go here: “Susan Ibitz doesn’t…