Bad posture could be affecting your brain: Here’s how

Early intervention and a consistent commitment to good posture are key, said Dr Aishwarya Ahliwale, physiotherapist, SRV Hospitals.

Have you noticed how you’re sitting as you read this? That hump on your upper back is more prominent than a humpback character on a fantasy show. And your brain is suffering for it — badly.

Dr Aishwarya Ahliwale, physiotherapist, SRV Hospitals explained that poor posture can lead to increased muscle tension and reduced blood flow to the brain, potentially affecting cognitive function.

Dr K V Shivanand Reddy, neurosurgeon, CARE Hospitals, added that bad posture can affect body language, confidence, and how others perceive you, which can indirectly influence your mental state and brain health.

Good posture, on the other hand, can improve oxygen flow and help reduce strain on the neck and back, which may positively impact brain health.

Reversing the damage caused by bad posture to brain health largely depends on the extent and duration of the issue, according to Ahliwale.

Dr Reddy recommended engaging in physical therapy to strengthen muscles, and eventually enhance your posture. Additionally, mindfulness, ergonomic adjustments to workstations and home setups can significantly reduce strain on the spine and neck.

Are there ways of reversing the damage?

In more severe cases, medical intervention even surgery might be necessary. It’s important to note that while improvement and damage mitigation are possible, a complete reversal of severe, long-term damage may not always be achievable, said Dr Ahliwale. “Early intervention and a consistent commitment to good posture are key.”

8 daily practices to maintain good posture

  1. Ensure your computer screen is at eye level to prevent slouching.
  2. Take regular breaks, especially if you have a desk job.
  3. Stand, stretch, and walk around the place to prevent stiffness.
  4. Regularly incorporate stretches for your neck, shoulders, and back into your daily routine.
  5. Engage in strength and flexibility exercises to build and maintain core muscle strength, which is crucial for good posture.
  6. Consider practices like yoga and pilates that focus on balance, flexibility, and posture for improving alignment.
  7. When lifting objects, bend at your hips and knees, not your back, and keep the object close to your body.
  8. Choose footwear with good arch support to maintain alignment from the ground up.

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