50 % of CEO are going to fire people-remote works FIRST

I am not a number person, but I do check our numbers every Tuesday when we have a team meeting. For the last 6 weeks we have seen an increment of students from -INDIA- SOUTH AFRICA-SOUTH AMERICA- CARIBBEAN – ASIA. At the beginning I thought it was an anomaly, nothing to see here, but after 6 weeks seeing these numbers growing, I looked harder.
Since I have email addresses from all the students I did a survey- here are the questions:
Where are you located?
What do you do for living?
How are you planning to use your training?
Where are you working or planning to apply it?
So, my left brain and pointy eyebrows couldn’t leave it there, I went for more info.
In March 2020 we said “I’ll see you tomorrow” and in some cases it still has not happened. People complained in the beginning but now they are happy. Well, the party is about to end.
Most companies in Tech and Sales were paying extra to employees for living in high-cost cities, but if you move to a small town or country with low cost of living, should you let the company you are working with know? Or do they have the right to lower your salary? I am not a lawyer or expert in HR, but be careful, the dream life MANY HAVE is about to end as it has been until now.
My team is remote and all over the globe, we have been remote since the get-go. The pandemic made us grow in ways we didn’t expect- HAPPY DANCE HERE- But not everything is roses in the workplace.
Over 50% of CEOs say they’re considering cutting jobs over the next 6 months — and remote workers may be the first to go- KPMG report on business-leader outlooks.
- 9 out of 10 CEOs in the U.S. (91%) believe a recession will arrive in the coming 12 months
- 86% of CEOs globally feel the same way
- In America, 51% of CEOs say they’re considering workforce reductions during the next six months
- Globally 8 out of 10 CEOs say the same.
It is “likely” and/or “extremely likely” that remote workers will be laid off first, according to a majority (60%) of 3,000 managers polled by beautiful.ai, a presentation software provider. Another 20% were undecided, and the remaining 20% said it wasn’t likely.
When asked how they foresaw their company’s working arrangements in three years for jobs traditionally in an office, nearly half of U.S. CEOs (45%) said it would be a hybrid mix of in-person and remote work. One-third (34%) said the jobs would still be in-office, and 20% said it would be fully remote.
CEOs across the globe sounded more keen on in-person work. Two-thirds (65%) said in-office work was the ideal, while 28% said hybrid would be the way and 7% said it would be fully remote. The global findings polled from U.S. business leaders, but also from CEOs in Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan and certain European Union countries and the United Kingdom.
Other research suggests there’s no full-time torrent of workers back to the office. Through late September, average office occupancy across 10 major cities remained below 50%, according to the security technology provider Kastle Systems. The swipe data showed a rise in recent weeks to roughly 47%, with Tuesdays and Wednesdays typically being the busiest office days.
This answer is laid in basic numbers, skills and ego. Yes ego, # 1 enemy and not in your favor.
If you are making 150K to 250K a year, and you are working from home, why can you not be replaced by 15 or 25 people doing what you do?
The answer is simple- YOU ARE REPLACEABLE MATERIAL, OR NOT? - It sounds unfair, but it’s true.
Maybe they need 10 people to do your job, but it still is a better chance than having 1 doing the job.
Companies are outsourcing jobs for less money already.
Freshii a Canadian fast-food chain surprised their customers when they moved the human cashier to a human in a screen. When you are ready to pay, they send you to a screen with a nice person with a funny accent to finish the process. Where are these people? All around the world- in the case of Freshii is Nicaragua-
Try to call any customer service, and you will see.
Sales used to be a safe haven in outsourcing, not anymore. India and Asia have a big workforce with High degrees – Uni-Master- even PhD’s – willing to do your job for less and not complain.
The massive work force moved during the pandemic left the work market, more specifically the employers, with a dichotomy, THEY CAN QUIT ANY TIME SOON AND HAVE BECOME TOO HIGH MAINTENANCE BUT I NEED THEM. So, the feeling on the employers’ mind was, we lost control.
DATA: 70% of the people who left their job and moved to another position during the pandemic, regret the decision.
And there is nothing you can do about it!!! Or is there???
Can you be replaced? Everybody can, the exception is for persons working and highly skilled workers as well as specific skill sets.
Online learning is a BILLON “YES” with the big “B” industry, allowing people around the world to have education that before was only accessible to local people or for the ones able to travel.
Lower cost for learning, street smart skills and remote working are making America and some parts of the world change the way they see work.
On top of the pool of possibilities and advantages of hiring outside the US, are the lower cost of – salaries – health insurance – taxes – lawsuits – infrastructure – bonuses – and you name it.
This what the numbers show: The current tax rate for social security is 6.2% for the employer and 6.2% for the employee, or 12.4% total. The current rate for Medicare is 1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total.
These numbers go away by hiring outside the US.
In a recent article MIT assistant professor Anna Stansbury told Fortune,
“If people that code for Google and Facebook were able to live wherever in the US they wanted and [work] for a year and a half without ever going to the office, it seems very, very likely that a lot of companies will be rethinking this longer-term and outsourcing those kinds of jobs that didn’t use to be outsourced”
Stansbury said that back-end engineers and others could be found for less money in places like India. Other experts agree.
“If you can do your job from home, be scared. Be very scared.” Richard Baldwin, an economics professor at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, told the European-based Center for Economic Policy Research.
“Because somebody in India or wherever is willing to do it for much less.”
Last year, Baldwin and his research partner, Jonathan Dingel, authored a paper titled “Telemigration and Development: On the Offshoreability of Teleworkable Jobs.”
Baldwin and Dingel categorize jobs into four groups — “highly offshoreable,” “offshoreable,” “hard to offshore” and “non-offshoreable.”
A job is considered “highly offshoreable” if an employee doesn’t need to be physically near a US work location and if they also don’t need to be close to a group or unit in their department.
Many US-based companies have long outsourced their call centers to countries like India, where English-speaking workers are available to provide around-the-clock service.
A recent analysis by the Labor Department found that the highest-paying jobs such as software engineers and internet publishing are easier to do remotely, while low-paying work such as retail and food service are harder to do remotely, according to the Washington Post. [SEE ABOVE FRESHII EXAMPLE AS THIS IS ALREADY CHANGING]
Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic more than two-and-a-half years ago, more Americans are working remotely.
A survey conducted by McKinsey found that 58% of Americans reported working from home at least one day per week, while 35% were afforded the option to work from home five days a week at some point during the pandemic.
When given the opportunity, 87% of workers said they take advantage of the chance to work from home, according to the survey.
DO NOT SHOOT THE MESSENGER -This is happening, and will get worse for some of you.
INFORMATION IS POWER- Use it, become irreplaceable, be UNIKE.
Keeping your contacts, network, and net worth nurtured, is your free pass to not be collecting unemployment.
If you want to learn more ways to learn a “SUPERPOWER” and “SPECIAL SKILLS,” – set a call with us or go to https://school.humanbehaviorlab.com
Some classes we have:
Coming soon:
Victorian Secret - Spark your relationship and Date smart
See you on the dark side
With love -Susan