In an era when everything seems to be filtered by AI and flying cars, the H2H approach shows relevant results.

Emphasize direct, personal interactions between individuals, focusing on empathy, understanding, and genuine communication.

  1. Humanistic Perspective: This psychological approach emphasizes individual potential, personal growth, and self-actualization. It views humans as inherently good and capable of self-directed growth. This perspective highlights the importance of authentic human connections and understanding in fostering personal development.
  2. Theory of Basic Human Values: Developed by Shalom H. Schwartz, this theory identifies universal values that guide human behavior across cultures. It emphasizes how values like benevolence and universalism can influence interpersonal interactions by promoting understanding and tolerance among people.
  3. SOFT SKILLS—Interpersonal Communication: Interpersonal communication theories focus on the dynamics of human-to-human interactions, emphasizing the importance of empathy, active listening, and mutual respect.