
A few years ago, I was doing my Certification with Paul Ekman International in Manchester, UK, when I was invited to apply for the first Masters in Behavior in the world, based on Paul Ekman's research.
No brainer here; I did. I was honored to be invited with minds like these. It was unexpected to be part of the group without all the certifications everyone else had. I stopped everything and jumped at the opportunity.
I felt scared, suffered from impostor syndrome, and ecstatic until my left brain screamed “Get your shit together! The worst thing that could happen is that you fail.”
In some way I did.
I haven’t been able to do my thesis yet, or graduate; WHY? The topic - MANIPULATION, INFLUENCE, PERSUASION- FALSE MEMORIES AND FALSE CONFESSIONS- the studies are so much, so dark, and so complex.
For example; did you know that the Unabomber -Ted Kaczynski-r was part of a CIA experiment done at Harvard about brainwashing? Those are the topics and studies on which I based the class I will teach you.
Crazy, no? There is so MUCH information and so many studies on these topics that I feel like I am procrastinating by perfection. I had hundreds of hours reading hundreds of studies and books, researching and testing the theories, talking with experts, interviewing victims, and developing techniques.
So in the meantime, while I complete my thesis, why not share with you all the studies, tactics, and ways to find out if you have been manipulated and how to fix it?
I have helped so many people in my coaching career; why keep all this information only for a few? Why not share these tools with anyone who needs them?
And don’t get me wrong, I learned well because I was a victim, too.

I know the feeling of being disappointed, the weird sensation of blaming yourself for allowing this situation in your life. I know the shame when you share your story, and some of your friends and family tell you, “Why didn’t you realize it before?”
And also the other part, where you feel angry and frustrated for not having noticed they were playing you; for not paying attention to the red flags and signs that could have been obvious.
I feel your pain, but it IS TIME TO STOP THIS
In just A FEW weeks What I CAN guarantee
If you take action on the things you learn in the class, and do them consistently, this is what will happen:
You will learn extremely valuable skills that will benefit everything you do in life
Find out if you are been manipulated by your family members, friends, coworkers, sales reps and everyone around you
How to stop this behavior
Finally feel in control of your life and live empowered with the strategies and tactics you deserve
Stop feeling out of control

You will learn the best-kept secrets in Manipulation
How people can be using you without you knowing about it
The power of authority vs. knowledge
The most powerful studies used by any 3 letter agency in the world
How can innocent people confess to something they didn't do
How the media and advertising twist your mind about buying
The 6 pillars of Influence - Yes, I studied with the GUY -
Actions you can take if you are in a Manipulative situation
And guess what? A workbook with the studies
Homework after each unit to go and explore your new superpower
So you don’t do it alone; we built a community to support you, to do it with you.

Are you an Entrepreneur?
Do you want to grow in your Career?
Are you in a toxic relationship?
Do you always finish last?
Do you want to win in any situation
Are you the underdog?
Do you secretly want to gain power?
Do you want to feel the POWER?

Who is this course NOT for?
I want you to know that this class is not going to be for everyone. This course is not for you if:
You don’t understand that behavior needs time and practice to be changed
If you expect to have results the first time you try
If you are not willing to do the work
The secret behind Manipulation
How they work
How to use the CTA in each step
Case Studies
Who are our students:
Sales teams. Journalism & Production. Politicians & political campaigns. Law Enforcement. Realtors. Lawyers. Market Research. Insurance Fraud. Headhunters. Matchmakers. Managers. Love life. Medical field professionals. Job Seekers. Sperm and/or ovule Donor Selection. Couple compatibilities. Human Resources Professionals. Negotiation-Hospitality & Customer-oriented services.
And people like YOU
My Guarantee to You…
If you take action on the things you learn in the class, and do them consistently, this is what will happen:
You will learn extremely valuable skills that will benefit everything you do in life.
Find out if you are been manipulated by your family members, friends, coworkers, sales reps and everyone around you.
How to stop this behavior.
Finally feel in control of your life and live empowered with the strategies and tactics you deserve.
Stop feeling out of control.
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